From the (Development) Director’s Chair

A message from the Development Director, Amber Aitken

Hi. Amber here. Tammy will be back with your regularly scheduled programming next month, but I’m filling in to wrap up March. It’s been a busy month of prepping for spring and the return of our outdoor community events. Lots of fun things are coming up and we’re so excited to see
you all.

Here’s a little bit of what we’ve been up to:

To celebrate National Reading Month, students in our youth program joined book clubs based on topics and titles of interest to them. Later this week, we’re going to fully celebrate  with a pizza party and book discussions. You should come. It’s going to be fun. (Click here for more info.)


Earlier this month, I got a text from Spencer, CCH’s Youth Program Manager, that said “One of the students saw the football book he is going to be reading and said ‘This is so cool! Will I get to take it home?’

He wasn’t just eager to read about football with his friends - he was excited to write his name on the inside cover as the proud owner of a new book that he could take home with him. He gets to hold on to something important to him, in part because Miss Spencer took an interest, encouraged it, and shared the excitement with him.

These are the things we get to be part of. Watching a student get excited about an experience is one piece of the puzzle. Encouraging that excitement and offering support where support is needed is the rest of it. When all the pieces work together, it’s pretty magical.


We’re trying some new things at CCH, so sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to keep up. Can’t wait to see you at Community Dinner on April 17.


From the Director’s Chair


From the Director’s Chair