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Tammy’s Breakthrough

“I try to make every day a good day. As long as I can walk, talk and breathe—I’m alright.”

In 2017, Tammy tried to take her own life. She hit her breaking point when her eight-year-old daughter was removed from her home. But in the darkest time, Tammy’s breakdown became her breakthrough. She realized she had to start living for her daughter and for herself. 

It was during that time that Tammy was referred to Central Community House. Hesitant at first, Tammy slowly gained trust in the people that work here. She started attending our Strong Family Program, completing parenting workshops and found a community of volunteers, members and staff that she could depend on. They encouraged her to keep coming, picking her up from home when she needed and helping her navigate the free services we offer.  

Now, Tammy’s daughter is back home. Even though some days she still struggles, she has a community to lean on. Because to Tammy “Central Community House is everything”.  It’s inspired her to give back to others. She wants to go to school to become a case manager and work with other parents who’ve had similar experience as hers.